Siwon Super Junior

IG Siwon Super Junior | Siwon Choi


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최시원 Siwon Choi I want to be a linchpin who can help for the betterment of our country. | |
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@siwonchoi : 시간이 참 빠릅니다. 1년 만에 다시 찾은 베트남은, 그 의미와 포근함의 크기가 다른 듯합니다. SM과 유니세프가 함께 하는 SMile for U 캠페인을 통해 베트남 어린이들 5천 명에게 교재개발, 교사교육, 기자재 지원 등의 음악교육지원을 할 수 있었고, 또한 3년에 걸친 음악교육지원사업의 사례가 베트남 정부 교육제도 개편에 적용될 예정이어서 더욱더 뜻깊습니다. 앞으로도 서로의 노력과 마음이 닿아 나아가는 미래를 응원합니다! 화이팅 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Time is fast. Vietnam, which has been found again in a year, seems to have a different sense of meaning and generosity. Through the SMile for U campaign with SM and UNICEF, 5,000 Vietnamese children were able to provide music education support such as textbook development, teacher training, equipment support, and 3 years of music education support project in Vietnam It is even more meaningful because it will be applied to the reorganization of the government education system. We will support the future that each other's efforts and minds reach in the future! 😍 @smtown @unicef_kr @unicef_vietnam
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