Siwon Super Junior

IG Siwon Super Junior | Siwon Choi


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최시원 Siwon Choi I want to be a linchpin who can help for the betterment of our country. | |
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@siwonchoi : 2019년 1월 8일, 레바논을 강타한 폭풍 이후 시리아 난민 어린이가 침수된 임시 천막 가운데 서 있습니다. 1월 6일 상륙한 폭풍은 1월 9일까지 레바논에 심각한 피해를 입혔습니다. 게다가 폭풍우, 강풍, 눈 및 추운 기온으로 인해 홍수가 발생했으며, 특히 해변가와 산간 지역에서 경제적 피해와 많은 이재민이 발생하였습니다. 부족한 기반시설로 인해 임시 천막에서 생활하고 있는 난민들은 더욱 큰 피해를 입었습니다. 유니세프는 어린이를 위한 식수, 위생물품, 담요와 겨울용 의류 및 구호물품을 즉시 전달하고 필요한 지원을 다하고 있습니다. 여러분의 관심과 도움이 절실합니다. On 8 January 2019 in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, a Syrian refugee stands in a flooded informal tented settlements struggle with dire conditions that have worsened after a strong storm hit Lebanon on 6 January. Lebanon was affected by a heavy storm that started on 6 January 2019 and lasted until 9 January. Heavy rain, strong wind, snow and cold temperature led to floods, loss and destruction of assets and displacements in many regions, especially affecting coastal and mountain areas. Informal settlements where refugees reside were particularly affected due to weak infrastructure. In close coordination with Inter-agency and the government, UNICEF with partners started immediate response especially in WASH and distribution of blankets and winter clothes for children, and other supplies. We need to focus! We need our attention! We need to take care of it! (Matthew 22:39, John 21:15, John 13:34-35) @unicef @unicef_kr @unicefmalaysia @unicef_thailand @unicef_vietnam
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